Showing posts with label cross pendant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cross pendant. Show all posts

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Pilgrims Cross!

Following on from my previous post at the end of June, I can tell you that the reason I had to postpone or cancel so many beady engagements is that my lovely Mum has cancer and it has spread too far to be treated.  Mum would like to be able to end her days at home - in her garden, surrounded by flowers and holding my hand.  Friends and family are all doing their best to make it that way but at one point at the beginning of July the pain became intolerable and Mum had to go into the Pilgrims Hospice .  Up until then, I had no experience of hospices and I had no idea of the wonderful work they do - they worked hard to get Mum's pain under control and to make her comfortable while respecting her wishes and they continually supported the family, patiently explaining the situation to us and answering numerous questions.  Some nights I slept in a chair by Mum's side and the staff would tip-toe in and out to check on us, sometimes using a torch rather than switching on the electric light so that they didn't disturb us.  Often I couldn't sleep and I padded down the corridors in my slippers to make a cup of tea or to spend a few minutes watching the rabbits nibbling in the garden in the moonlight - those quiet times, seeing things, hearing things - that's when I understood the work of the hospice and the angels that work/volunteer there.  After a 2 week stay Mum went back to her beloved house and garden and the hospice arranged for a hospital bed to be delivered to the house together with all the medical paraphernalia she requires and she is still there now, with nurses and personal care staff popping in throughout the day to make sure that she is as comfortable as possible.  Mum's faith is important to her and when she first found out about her illness she asked me to make her a little beaded cross so that when times got tough, she could either look at it or hold it in her hand.  I did this gladly and as soon as I understood the work of the hospice I decided that I would make the pattern for the cross available and donate 100% of the proceeds to the hospice.

I am telling you my story, but I am very much aware that it is my story and that everyone has their own stories.  I have spent my time designing this cross and writing this pattern because I want to donate something to the hospice that has done so much to help us - but if you buy this pattern you are free to raise money for the charity of your choice.  Make as many of these simple little crosses as you wish - sell them, donate them, auction them and use the money you raise for whatever purpose you see fit.  All I ask is that you do not copy this pattern, do not share it and do not teach it because every penny I manage to raise from the sale of this pattern will be going to help the Pilgrims Hospice continue their amazing work.

The pattern for the Pilgrims Cross is available to purchase HERE

Thank you;

Kerrie ♥